Should One Live With Gynecomastia or Male Breasts?


Gynecomastia or male breasts or male boobs is not a life-threating condition and, in India, many people live with it thinking it to be a normal condition. However, the concept of looking good has now permeated even the lowest strata of society such that patients from all strata now look forward to solving the problem of male breasts. This feminine appearance of the chest can subject a person to ridicule and can cause loss of self-esteem and depression so that most teenagers and adults now come forward for a cure to this problem.

Why do male boobs develop?

This condition develops usually during puberty because of the hormonal imbalances that the body goes through at that stage. In some cases, it might resolve on its own but in many cases some residual glandular and fatty tissue remains which causes discomfort in these patients. Apart from this, use of steroids as in bodybuilders, other recreational drugs, some tumors can also lead to gynecomastia. It is also common with aging.

Common Presentations

Patients can present with a wide range of breast swellings. In the smallest of cases, only puffy nipples may be seen which create a problem in wearing T-shirts. In the most advanced cases, patients present with breast sizes similar to that of females. Some of these might be tender.

Can Gynecomastia be managed at home?

Some patients resort to excessive exercise and dieting thinking that the enlargement is due to fat accumulation. However, since these swellings are comprised mainly of glandular tissue, no exercise can resolve the patient of his problems. Some patients resort to wearing thick clothes or a compression vest to hide the breasts, but all of these are temporary measures.

Is there a permanent solution?

Yes! Surgery takes only a few hours to permanently fix this problem. In most cases except in very large breasts, the surgery is done under local anesthesia so that the patient can go back home the same day itself.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Kolkata

Patients who want to get rid of this problem and change their life and get back their self esteem are advised to go through this surgery. Prof. (Dr.) Souvik Adhikari is one of the top and best gynecomastia surgeons in Kolkata who has operated on patients from Kolkata and whole of India as well as overseas including patients from USA and Europe. You can be assured that you will have your surgery from a very experienced surgeon and that too at a very reasonable cost.

Check out the Cosmetic Surgery Gallery to see before and after pictures of Gynecomastia Surgery in Kolkata:

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