Cosmetic surgery in Kolkata deals with beautification of individuals and removing imperfections from oneself. Many people would think why do we need to alter our appearance when it is gifted to us by God? The answer lies in the needs of modern society. In a society which is getting competitive day by day and where appearance means a lot to individuals, why should you deny the prospect of cosmetic surgery if it is readily available to you at a reasonable price? After all, cosmetic surgery improves your looks, builds your self-confidence so that you can take up the challenges successfully imposed by the modern society!
Many patients are afraid of getting under the knife and therefore they go on to try several non-surgical treatments like creams, peels, spa treatments and so on. When expenses from all these treatments are added, it would be found that they cost much more than a single session of cosmetic surgery! Despite usage of all these treatments, many people would be dissatisfied after some time because alone these are not effective in producing long-lasting results. In these people, cosmetic surgery can provide real benefits.
However, there is a limit to which cosmetic surgery can provide improvement in appearances. A person with a flat nose should not be made to look like a fashion model with a high peaked nose! Even if it can be done, such a drastic change in appearance would make the person look extremely awkward. Therefore, surgeries are tailored such that there is a subtle change in the appearance of a person, one that is extremely soothing to the eyes. That is the main objective of cosmetic surgery.
You might wonder how you would finance your surgery. Gone are the days when cosmetic surgery was restricted to the chosen few mostly comprising of actors and top models! With the expansion of surgical training and the development of new procedures, the cost of cosmetic surgery has now come down drastically so that it can be afforded by most people. Therefore, say goodbye to the continued application of anti-aging creams and those strict diets which make you feel hungry all the time yet does not provide the necessary benefit: your problems can be successfully addressed by cosmetic surgery in a single or at most two sessions.
Under his care, Prof. (Dr.) Souvik Adhikari would have a detailed discussion with you of cosmetic surgery requirements according to your needs. The plan of surgery, the possible risks involved and the cost of treatment would all be highlighted to you in advance. Specific help regarding managing your finances would also be provided as needed. In the end, it can be assured that you would have an enjoyable experience with us!